A Daily Devotional
for Business Leaders

A great way to start every business day!

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Please note: In the month of December, our source author A.W. Tozer will be focusing on the subject of Trials and Pain. As noted before, I encourage us all to 1) remember the era from which the author is oriented (1897 – 1963), and 2) look for learnings you can apply to your own life as a Christian leader. Thank you for joining us on this journey of daily reflection. 

From Tozer: The devil, things, and people being what they are, it is necessary for God to use the hammer, the file, and the furnace in his holy work of preparing a saint for true sainthood. It is doubtful whether God can bless a man greatly until he has hurt him deeply. ROR137

The H3 Quick Start

Happiness Is Not the Goal
December 24

See then that ye walk circumspectly, not as fools, but as wise, redeeming the time, because the days are evil. – Ephesians 5:15 – 16 (NIV)

That we are born to be happy is scarcely questioned by anyone. No one bothers to prove that fallen men have any moral right to happiness, or that they are in the long run any better off happy. The only question before the house is how to get the most happiness out of life. Almost all popular books and plays assume that personal happiness is the legitimate end of the dramatic human struggle.

Now I submit that the whole hectic scramble after happiness is an evil as certainly as is the scramble after money or fame or success. . . .

This . . . will be discovered easily by the simple act of reading the New Testament through once with meditation. There the emphasis is not upon happiness but upon holiness. God is more concerned with the state of people's hearts than with the state of their feelings. Undoubtedly the will of God brings final happiness to those who obey, but the most important matter is not how happy we are but how holy. The soldier does not seek to be happy in the field; he seeks rather to get the fighting over with, to win the war, and to get back home to his loved ones. OGM048-049 

Oh, Lord, redirect my focus. Help me today to be a “good soldier of Jesus Christ.” Amen.

Excerpt from Tozer for The Christian Leader (A.W. Tozer)