Choice - A Driving Force

In 2011 I rolled my (new to me) white Pontiac Vibe two times before going airborne and landing back on all four tires – just shy of entering into oncoming traffic.

(For perspective, the semi in this picture is coming down the onramp. The deputy’s car is on eastbound I-74. I was headed westbound and left those marks in the snow on my way through the median.)

This is only one of at least EIGHT personal experiences that could have had significant negative implications on the rest of my life – if not ended it right then and there.

Some directly related to my bad decisions. Some pure accidents. All involving one mode of transportation or another – a bicycle, a raft, a motorcycle, a truck (x2), and three cars.

For someone who loves to drive as much as I do, this could be a challenging burden to carry. To be fair, there is one common denominator in all these stories, right?

But rather than see this as a burden or source of embarrassment, I choose to look for the lessons I can pull from these harrowing experiences.

By God’s grace, I have been given at least eight (likely many more) “second chances” at life, and I choose to embrace each day as a beautiful gift from God.

A handful of lessons have bubbled from these literal brushes with death:

  1. Learn from your mistakes: We all make dumb mistakes due to ignorance or bad decisions, be it willful or innocent. Allow these moments to sink in, to strengthen your spirit of humility, and to rewire your thinking processes toward wisdom and discernment.

  2. Accidents happen: Getting mad about this reality doesn’t help anyone, least of all yourself. Accepting the fact that sometimes pure accidents really do happen allows us to move toward healing and resolution much more quickly.

  3. Despite our growing desire for control in our lives, it is a fallacy: The only thing we have any control over is our own actions, and even that can be limited. I was driving this car home from the dealer (my wife hadn’t even driven it yet). It was a replacement for a Vibe that was rear-ended just three weeks prior. This is not the kind of negativity anyone wants in their lives. But we were also in the midst of launching a church and had all kinds of balls in the air. Lamenting the chaos would have only added to the complexity of the situation. Be thankful. Solve problems. Move forward. Control is a fallacy.

  4. Life is a gift – embrace the power of choice: Don’t sweat the small stuff. And remember, almost all of it qualifies as “the small stuff.” You and I get to choose how we respond to circumstances around us. Choose joy. Choose forgiveness. Choose hope. Choose things that build a better tomorrow. Choose LIFE!

  5. Share your gift with others: Whatever gift God has granted you, share it generously! For instance, if you are still reading, chances are you have been given the gift of leadership – a relatively rare treasure. Not everybody can stomach it. Some don’t value it. And the world needs it badly. Please share!

As you lean into your week, here are a couple questions of reflection for you to consider:

  • What significant life experiences have shaped the way you lead yourself and others?

  • How intentionally do you embrace your power to choose how you respond to the negative circumstances around you? Do you choose a positive, productive response more often than not? And do you help others to do so as well?

  • Are you thankful for the gift that is today?

My thoughts feel a bit more disjointed than normal this morning, but here’s what I’m having a hard time articulating.

I love my life not because it’s perfect, not because of my possessions, or accomplishments, or specific experiences, etc…

I love my life because I see it as a gift that I don’t deserve – something that could have been taken away countless times already.

In the face of that reality, I am thankful for very step, every breath, every relationship, every activity, every taste, smell, touch, sound, or sight I behold.

If I could wish one thing for you today, it would be that you join me in embracing a deep spirit of gratitude for nothing more than the gift of life.

This is a choice we get to make every moment of every day. May we choose wisely.

Blessings to you, my friends!


This Week’s Resource Recommendation:

– Brandon Lake

No book to read. No journal to write. I simply encourage you to take a moment and allow the music and the message to wash over you. Then…may you and I choose to live this day to its fullest in a spirit of deep gratitude and service to others.

MMS 24-12

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Blessings to you, my friend!


The Peaceful Pursuit of Perfection