First-world Expectations Matter

In 2024, it doesn't matter how good your coffee is...

Sufficient chill and cool branding don't cut it...

Vibe isn't enough...

If your wifi is slow, I'll be movin' on down the road. And so will any number of my connected colleagues.

Harsh? Maybe.

I don't mean to be negative. Consider this a "direct encouragement."

Our first-world expectations continue to grow.

Are you, as an astute business owner/leader, keeping up with your customers' expectations?

At this point, we're still kinda OK with slow upload speeds. We understand many networks aren't there yet.

But download speeds should be sufficient to load web pages and PDFs quickly - on 15+ devices at once - if you are operating what most would consider an internet cafe that happens to serve coffee.

Maybe your business doesn't sell coffee or provide access to Wi-Fi.

In your world, what growing customer/client expectations might you be overlooking?

Are you, as an astute business owner, keeping up with your customers' expectations?

No, customer expectations are not always reasonable. But I would encourage us all to take a few moments, on a regular basis, and put ourselves in their shoes.

If we find those shoes are worn and tattered, consider an upgrade. 

Have you performed an audit like this lately? If so, what did you learn, and what specific actions did you take to up your game?

One of the grand purposes of business is "to facilitate human flourishing."

Tuning in to and, where possible, rising to meet the growing expectations of the humans that rely on the products and services we provide is just one of the many ways we can fulfill that purpose.

Blessings to you, my friends!


This Week’s Resource Recommendation:
Ridiculously Easy to Do Business With - A Practical Guide to Giving Customers What They Want, How and When They Want It

by David Avrin

To future-proof your business, you need to do more than merely offer high quality and great service. You need to become Ridiculously Easy to Do Business With. This practical guide offers over two dozen categories of policies and behaviors that cause “friction” (frustration) for your customers and clients. If left unaddressed, you will undoubtedly see a steady exodus of customers as they seek more accommodating and aligned alternatives. Translation: Customer will leave you for competitors if you give them a reason to.

David Avrin is one of the more prolific speakers you’ll find on the global circuit with keynotes that consistently knock the proverbial ball out of the park. He has been a significant influence in my work as a speaker and peer advisory team Chair since I first met him a few short years ago. I highly recommend his work!

MMS 24-05

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Blessings to you, my friend!


Set Points and Sabotage


Let the Players Decide!