Just One More Thing
Just one more thing…
That’s all everybody wants.
One more dollar for their pet project to be completed.
One more opportunity for you to consider.
One more mentoring conversation to move their ball forward.
One more priority email response before the end of the week.
One more moment of your precious time.
Just ONE more thing…
And it’s coming from all directions – your Business, your Life (family & friends), and your Faith worlds.
Everybody wants a piece of you.
If you read my weekly Monday Morning Stretch, chances are you are a very engaging, influential, productive person.
People like you are better than most at maximizing their efforts through the discipline of intentionality in all the phases necessary to be the ‘go-to’ leader (dreaming, planning, scheduling, execution, connection, passion, compassion, influence, and more).
You are not perfect, because nobody is.
But you are better than most at these skillsets, and the results of that reality are apparent to the masses.
When you are ‘better than most,’ you stand out in the crowd.
People know that you know how to get things through the quagmire and over the finish line.
For these reasons and more, they clamor at your proverbial door and plead with you for, “Just one more thing!”
However… One of the reasons you are where you are is that you have developed (or are developing) a skill that the masses often dismiss.
Yes, everybody wants a piece of you, but you know there are only so many pieces of you to go around, and you distribute those pieces with great discernment and thoughtful process.
That’s the goal, anyway.
But following through with consistency is hard.
There are SO many great causes, meaningful pursuits, and ripe opportunities.
It is easy to be worn down by the onslaught, as well-intended as it may be.
That’s when leaders, even at the highest levels, need to call on their professional inner circle for help.
They’ve done what they can. They’ve processed myriad demands through their Values and Priorities filters.
And yet, a dilemma remains. There are too many demands still on the docket, and they need to process those demands with someone.
Someone who knows them well.
Someone who appreciates their values and priorities.
Someone who is unbiased and, at the same time, in their corner.
Someone who understands their business but isn’t in their business.
Because seasoned leaders know that that someone is rarely within their organization. In many cases, going outside their team is an absolute priority.
This is where the ‘executive coaching’ and ‘peer advisory team’ models offer their greatest value to senior leaders.
And the best-of-the-best make consistent use of these proven, highly effective executive development models.
Today’s Stretch was never intended to be a marketing message. (My niche is super narrow and very few of my readers are in my ‘target market’.)
Even so, the point remains: High-performance leaders are where they are for a reason, and the crème of that crop embrace the fact that in the passionate pursuit of their (redemptive) potential, they cannot run this race alone.
When the world is constantly beating down your door asking for, “Just one more thing!” – whom do you have in your corner, holding your arms up, offering you a confidential sound board, and helping you to discern when your own filters are overwhelmed?
If you can’t name that inner circle right now, I encourage you to take some time this holiday season to consider today’s thoughts.
The life of leader is extremely demanding. Just remember – you don’t have to run this race alone.
Something to think about anyway. Blessings to you, my friends!
This Week’s Resource Recommendation(s):
"Training Camp: What the Best do Better Than Everyone Else"
– Jon Gordon
From Amazon: Training Camp is an inspirational story filled with invaluable lessons and insights on bringing out the best in yourself and your team. The story follows Martin, an un-drafted rookie trying to make it in the NFL. He’s spent his entire life proving to the critics that a small guy with a big heart can succeed against all odds. After spraining his ankle in the pre-season, Martin thinks his dream is lost when he happens to meet a very special coach who shares eleven life-changing lessons that keep his dream alive―and might even make him the best of the best. If you want to be your best―Training Camp offers an inspirational story and real-world wisdom on what it takes to reach true excellence and how you and your team (your work team, school team, church team and family team) can achieve it.
"Relentless: From Good to Great to Unstoppable"
– Tim Grover
From Amazon: Direct, blunt, and brutally honest, Grover breaks down what it takes to be unstoppable: you keep going when everyone else is giving up, you thrive under pressure, you never let your emotions make you weak. In “The Relentless 13,” he details the essential traits shared by the most intense competitors and achievers in sports, business, and all walks of life. Relentless shows you how to trust your instincts and get in the Zone; how to control and adapt to any situation; how to find your opponent’s weakness and attack. Grover gives you the same advice he gives his world-class clients—“don’t think”—and shows you that anything is possible. Packed with previously untold stories and unparalleled insight into the psyches of the most successful and accomplished athletes of our time, Relentless shows you how even the best get better . . . and how you can too.
MMS 24-25
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Blessings to you, my friend!