The Power of the Sprint

Are you ready for The Sprint?

To sprint is to “run at full speed for a short distance.”

According to at least one source (gotta love the internet 😉), 95% of people over 30 years old will never sprint again their entire lives.

Fair enough. But as a basketball official, I am thankful to be one of the 5% that still cranks it up to maximum speed on occasion.

It’s good to have options when/if circumstances demand an extreme response.

But “sprinting” isn’t limited to the act of running.

Anytime we exert maximum effort “at full speed for a short distance,” we are effectively sprinting.

Whether you and I are physically ready to outrun the bear or not, there are a couple health principles around The Sprint for us to consider as business leaders.

  1. To sprint without injury takes planning and preparation. You don’t “just do it” despite what Nike tries to sell us. An unplanned, unprepped sprint is a recipe for debilitating long-term injury.

  2. To sprint, by its very definition, is to exert extreme energy for a SHORT distance. The Sprint consumes copious energy stores and taxes every cell of our being. No animal on earth can sprint as a matter of course. Sprints are short, infrequent, and require extensive recovery.

As we enter a shortened holiday week, we will likely all be tempted to cram five days of productivity into four (or less).

And to do so, this may be a good week to employ The Sprint in our places of work.

If so, I encourage us all to keep these health principles in mind:

  1. Planning & Preparation are Critical

  2. Keep The Sprint Contained within Reasonable Limits

As leaders with high capacity and even higher expectations of ourselves and others, it can be tempting to want to sprint all day, every day.

In the face of that temptation, and in the spirit of The H3 Leader, may you and I work to promote Health within our sphere of influence by promoting a work pace that serves both the mission and the people well.

Have a fantastic holiday week, my friends!


This Week’s Resource Recommendation:

Book Summaries by Blinkist

If you’re like most other business leaders, time is your most precious commodity. Though I’m still a big believer in slowing down enough to read, think, and process, there are times when a more efficient tact is the better route. Enter the world of book summaries.

Convene members have ready access to a large and growing library, but if you’re looking for another source bourgeoning with content, be sure to check out Blinkist. Big thanks to tribe member Chris Arvin for his astute recommendation!

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Blessings to you, my friend!


My Single Largest Expense