"Monday Morning Stretch: A Warmup for Your Week" is a personally curated content piece designed to serve The H3 Leader (Humble | Healthy | Holistic). If you are a faith-based leader in business that sees the imperative, intrinsic value of these three core character traits, this is an invitation for you.

Please join our tribe on this critical journey

I would love to send our Monday Morning Stretch directly to you via email and would consider it an honor to serve you in this way. To register, please take 30 seconds to give us permission to do so HERE.

Blessings to you, my friend!

Ken Stewart Ken Stewart

My Single Largest Expense

It’s bigger than my car payment. Bigger than my real estate taxes. Bigger than my house payment.

In fact, it’s bigger than all of those combined!

What is my single largest household expense?

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Ken Stewart Ken Stewart

The Power of the Sprint

Are you ready for The Sprint?

To sprint is to “run at full speed for a short distance.”

According to at least one source (gotta love the internet 😉), 95% of people over 30 years old will never sprint again their entire lives.

Fair enough. But as a basketball official, I am thankful to be one of the 5% that still cranks it up to maximum speed on occasion.

It’s good to have options when/if circumstances demand an extreme response.

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